Email Domain Sender Score: Enhancing Your Email Deliverability

With the increasing volume of spam and phishing attacks, email service providers (ESPs) have become more stringent about filtering out unwanted emails. One way to ensure that your emails reach their intended recipients is by monitoring your Email Domain Sender Score.

What is Email Domain Sender Score?

Email Domain Sender Score is a metric used by ESPs to evaluate the reputation of an email sender’s domain. It takes into account various factors, such as:

– Email bounce rates
– Complaint rates
– Spam reports
– Open and click-through rates
– Content quality


A higher Email Domain Sender Score indicates that your emails are more likely to be delivered to recipients’ inboxes, while a lower score may result in emails being filtered out or blocked.

Benefits of a High Email Domain Sender Score

Maintaining a high Email Domain Sender Score can bring several benefits to your business:


Improved deliverability: With a higher score, your emails are more likely to bypass ESPs’ filters and reach recipients’ inboxes.


Increased engagement: By ensuring that your emails are delivered to the right people, you can increase open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates.


Better customer experience: By avoiding spam filters, you can build trust with your customers and improve their overall email experience.

Factors Affecting Email Domain Sender Score

Several factors can affect your Email Domain Sender Score, including:

– Email content: Ensure that your emails are relevant, engaging, and free from spam triggers.
Sending frequency: Avoid sending too many emails to the same recipient in a short period.
Bounce rates: Monitor bounce rates and fix issues with email addresses or content.
Spam reports: Respond promptly to spam complaints and take steps to prevent them.

How to Improve Your Email Domain Sender Score

To improve your Email Domain Sender Score, consider the following:


Monitor ESPs’ feedback: Analyze feedback from ESPs like Gmail, Yahoo, and Outlook to identify areas for improvement.


Adjust email content: Ensure that your emails are relevant, engaging, and free from spam triggers.


Warm up your IP address: Gradually increase email volume to avoid sudden spikes in sending activity.